We back onto the rear fence of the compound, which has a concrete perimeter fence running all the way around with a few rows of barbwire on the top. The only way in and out is through the boom gates and past the security hut at the front. Although there is a couple of small side gates that some of the workers seem to have keys to, everyone else has to go through the front gates.
I actually don’t know if all this security is needed, but I think it may have to do with providing more piece of mind than anything else. I haven’t heard anything about there ever being any break-ins or anything, but have heard mentioned of someone having an uninvited person in their home a few years ago. Not quite sure what that means but as I’ve said before, feel very safe and secure (and somewhat removed from the real world) here.
The point of all this is that over the back fence is a small road and then a row of stores ranging from a Pizza Hut, tailors, mechanic and car cleaning place, bookstore, a small music store, among other things. Upstairs from the stores is some housing of some sort… not sure if the people who work in the stores live there or not, but have seen a few expats from the sub-continent around so I think they live up there. Don’t know how many, but I would guess it is a little crowded.

At some point in time (and not that long ago apparently) the accommodation up there was extended (basically over night). The extensions consist of bricked up areas along the rear of the roof with some roofing thrown on top and held down by more bricks. Power seems to be provided by and extension cord that runs from downstairs somewhere and goes through a hole in the wall. Some have windows stuck in the wall, others have fans and air-conditioners, and they all seem to rely on one water tank on the roof. We occasionally see a guy climb up to the water tank and go back inside with a bucket.
Anyway it is all illegal, looks like it would all fall over if you gave it a kick, and I am sure against the labour laws or something… but then again that comes back to the fact that many things don’t seem to enforced very often.
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