Anyway not sure what happened to this car, but by the look of the front of it, it was either heading down the road the wrong way (yes, it does happen) or has done a U-Turn through one of the gaps where the barriers have been knocked over. But then again it may have just run up the back of a truck.
It is not uncommon to see cars in various states of bendiness sitting around on the sides of the road though… you think that would be enough of a reminder to take it a little easier… maybe it is… maybe it isn’t! We have only been here for 6 weeks and I can’t even remember what it is like to drive slow… you have to laugh… seriously, you HAVE to laugh. If you don’t, you would get stuck in your compound and if you are just going to stay home you can do that anywhere in the world.
By the way… I have a bit of a head cold! That’s right… it is 40 degrees outside and I have a head cold! Apparently this happens to most people while they are getting used to the weather (and all the dust).
By the way (x2)… I am slowly catching up on the posts and still adding a few more photos here and there. Kerry still hasn’t had a chance to post anything (work is work anywhere in the world) but promises she will soon!
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