One of the stranger ones to me is tissues; 5 boxes at a time… I don’t get it. I know it is dusty and I know walking in and out of air conditioning makes your nose run sometimes, but I don’t see the need to buy a pack of 5 boxes of tissues (although no doubt we will get around to doing that in the not too distant future). hmmm just had a thought… maybe it is all related to the bidet thing!
An example is the other day we bought some pasta… well not just some pasta, but rather a bag with 8 or so smaller bags in it which would be more or less enough to last us at least a month (but maybe more). Don’t know why it comes in bulk, but it just does… but this of course leads to another issue. If most people buy in bulk I think they must have heaps of cupboard space in the kitchen… which perhaps provides some sort of explanation of why our kitchen is so big… but we just don’t have the cupboards.
Something else that comes in bulk is chocolate. No, you don’t just buy a chocolate bar here…

They love packaging here, and most things are packaged well. What I don’t understand is why do we pay so much for everything in Australia!
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