Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Qatar – If the weather or roads don’t get you, the washing machine will!

Our washing machine continues to vibrate violently and make it’s own way around the kitchen hunting for prey (I think cat or child)… well, as far as the cords coming out of the back will let it. The back cover flies off every time it is put back on and it’s spin cycle is the source of great entertainment for all of us… especially Ashur, who while scared of it also obsessively sits and watches every spin cycle he can! He is actually very taken with the front-loading washing machines and air conditioning units here. He seems on a mission to draw the perfect air conditioner (which he is getting very good at), and each trip to Carrefour includes a visit (often by himself) to the washing machines and air conditioners. It has become such a regular occurrence that the men who work in that section of the hypermarket talk to him and discuss the finer points of front loading machines and air conditioning units on each visit.

Getting back to our machine… it has been fixed, but one thing you learn here is things really don’t seem to get fixed very often but rather are patched up. So until such time as the thing actually blows up or stops working, it will continued to be patched… and fair enough too I say as I don’t think life would be the same without it!

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