Thursday, October 12, 2006

More Development (here, there and everywhere)

As I have said before, there is a lot of major development and although most of it has been focused on the facilities and infrastructure related to the running of the Asian Games there is still much happening outside of the Doha city limits as well. Two of the biggest work sites at the moment focus on the area just north of Doha with West Bay Lagoon (home of The Pearl and Lusail City (

I love the websites for these places, as it gives the “artists impression” of what will be at some point in time inshallah! One thing you learn about Qatar very quickly is the place is a work in progress and an artists impression is about as close as you will get to knowing what comes next.

Oh by the way, as you will notice I stuck a clock on the blog... not actually sure if that is useful or not, but saves working out the 7 hour time difference in your head if are that way inclined (and don't even begin to ask the difference between here and the US).

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